
Alumni Coaching & Training

Liebe Alumni des OvMF,
as a certified business and personal development coach, I can now continue to guide you outside the forum as an independent coach.
The first few years on the job are full of many important decisions and changes for everyone. 
Here I can help you to see more clearly within yourself and thus make informed and conscious decisions.

Are you thinking of looking for a new challenge? 
Would you like to develop further in your company?

I offer an unbiased ear to all your professional and career challenges and help with coaching tools to better understand where you are and what you need.
I look forward to meeting one or the other again and supporting you in your professional development!
Check out my website under Coaching and Training or write me! I offer special conditions to OvMF Alumni.
Last but not least: Schaut nach eueren E-Mails, ich werde 2023 ein Leadershiptraining mit Antje Ireland anbieten für Young Professionals!

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